Preventing ACL Knee Injury in Judo

Invented in 1888, Judo is now among the most popular Asian martial arts in the world. Literally meaning “gentle way”, the name may sound harmless, but its results are often fierce and powerful.

In Judo, the knee tends to be one of the most injured areas due to the nature of this sport having constant physical contact, repeated falling, and quick changes of direction. In fact, up to 28% of injuries in Judo involve the knee1, and one of its most commonly injured structures is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), which can cause significant time off training as well as a higher risk of future joint instability and osteoarthritis.

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Tackle Your Morning Joint Stiffness

Waking up with ache and stiffness in our joints is something most of us have experienced. It is easy to blame it on age, but that may not be the whole story; you may also feel stiff when standing up from sitting for too long, or when moving your joint after staying in the same position for a while, like after sleep.

The stiffness generally resolves once you start moving or after a hot shower, however, there are ways to ease it even before you start your daily routine.

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You Can’t Go Wrong By Being Strong! Strength Training For Sports Injury Prevention

Whether you’re a gym buff, a marathon runner, a cross-fit enthusiast or a bodybuilder, it’s statistically probable that you have been or will at one point be injured. Although injuries are never completely unavoidable, there are clear evidenced-based ways to reduce the risk.

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What is going on and what can be done to improve things?

Women’s health-related issues are manifold and can be complex in nature. As such, it is often difficult to get a clear diagnosis and explanation as to what is going on and what can be done to improve things. This can lead to a serious level of compromise in our quality of life, affecting us in our personal relationships as well as socially and professionally. Nevertheless, physiotherapy centred around the very specific anatomy of a women’s pelvis and abdomen can help to address these problems, helping to restore confidence in your body and achieve your life goals.

Written by Wendy Casterton, Physiotherapist

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