All You Need To Know About Tennis Elbow!

Did you know that Tennis Elbow affects over 50% of tennis players? Research suggests that the best way to treat tennis elbow is with physiotherapy under a progressive and controlled loading exercise programme that is catered specifically for your needs. These types of programme causes the tendon to undergo gradual loading movements, which helps to stimulate the healing process by changing the tendon tissue structure, eventually leading to repair.

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Get Rid Of Neck Stiffness!

If you have sought treatment for neck pain or stiffness, your upper trapezius muscle has probably been massaged, released, or needled. You were also likely told that the upper trapezius muscle is very tight, overactive, or “knotted”.

Unfortunately, this muscle has been misunderstood for a very long time. Many people blame upper trapezius tightness as the cause of neck pain and try to massage, stretch or reduce the muscle activation session after session. They may also look for exercises that favour the middle or lower trapezius while reducing the upper trapezius activation.

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Make Working From Home Work For You

Working virtually has become the norm for the majority of us since the COVID-19 pandemic started, making us spend countless hours seated at our home desks and blurring the distinction between the start and end of the working day. This big adjustment in lifestyle presents an increased prevalence in postural and mechanical issues, with the most common complaints being neck and lower back pain.

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