Take Charge Of Your Lower Back Pain From Weightlifting

by Senior Physiotherapist Bernard Sim 

It is important to take note of the lower back ache you are experiencing and distinguish between post-exercise muscle soreness and pain that might signal an injury. 

As certain weightlifting exercises (e.g. deadlifts and back-squats) do subject the lumbar spine and the legs to significant stress, it can be quite normal for your lower back and even leg muscles (e.g. quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes) to feel some degree of soreness post exercising.

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Is Your Shoulder Just Stiff, Or Is It Frozen?

In the beginning, you’ll feel pain at the front or side of the shoulder which can be a sudden or a gradual onset. Depending on the intensity of your pain, it can often cause difficulty in sleeping or wake you up in the middle of the night. Overtime, you start noticing that you are losing freedom of movement in the shoulder. This is when it hits you that the shoulder problem is serious, and you should seek consultation with a healthcare professional.

In this article, we have a chat with Senior Physio, Anson Wong and Dr Ang from Centurion Orthopaedic Centre to discuss all things Frozen Shoulder. You can find Dr Ang at https://www.coc.sg/

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All You Need To Know About Tennis Elbow!

Did you know that Tennis Elbow affects over 50% of tennis players? Research suggests that the best way to treat tennis elbow is with physiotherapy under a progressive and controlled loading exercise programme that is catered specifically for your needs. These types of programme causes the tendon to undergo gradual loading movements, which helps to stimulate the healing process by changing the tendon tissue structure, eventually leading to repair.

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Sports Injuries: Causes, Types, Treatments, And Prevention

Participating in sports or any other physical activities is a great way to keep your body active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It holds plenty of benefits ranging from controlling your weight to reducing the risk of disease. However, the risk of getting hurt or injured will always be present. But, fret not! There are ways that you can prevent these injuries or reduce the risk of getting them.

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Running Injuries And How To Prevent Them

Every year, 50% of runners experience an injury, with up to 1/3 resulting in knee injuries. Athletes are known for ‘running through the pain’ but what if this is our body’s way of trying to warn us that we need to solve the problem before it escalates?

There are multiple factors that impact an injury – this includes gender, running patterns, previous injuries, and weaknesses. For example, men are more likely to injure their shin, ankle and foot. Women tend to suffer more from hip and knee pain.

The way we run also indicates the structures that are weak and if we are overloading our muscles or tendons. This article will look at how injuries occur and how we can prevent them.

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You Can’t Go Wrong By Being Strong! Strength Training For Sports Injury Prevention

Whether you’re a gym buff, a marathon runner, a cross-fit enthusiast or a bodybuilder, it’s statistically probable that you have been or will at one point be injured. Although injuries are never completely unavoidable, there are clear evidenced-based ways to reduce the risk.

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