Ankle sprains can often lead to chronic knee pain

physio-ankle-treatmentAnkle sprains can often lead to chronic knee pain such as patellofemoral (kneecap) pain, jumper’s knee, runner’s knee.

Ankle sprains can alter ankle joint mechanics and cause reduced ankle movement (particularly dorsiflexion of the ankle). This reduction in ankle dorsiflexion causes increased valgus movement on the knee in functional tasks/ sports. This can cause increased stress on the knee leading to knee problems.

Chronic ankle sprains are often associated with gluteus medius weakness and reduced hip stability. If gluteus medius is weakened/ deconditioned this may cause increased valgus movement on the knee which once again leads to knee problems.

Early intervention in acute ankle sprains is aimed at:

  1. restoring normal joint mechanics;
  2. improving ankle range of motion;
  3. facilitating ankle strengthening and proprioception;
  4. minimising weakness in associated muscle groups such as calf and gluts.
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