Pilates or Yoga – which one would be best for my injury recovery?

singapore-physio-pilatesAs physios it is common to get asked by clients what the difference is between pilates and yoga and would either be of benefit or detrimental to their injury and rehabilitation. With the popularity of both yoga and pilates in today’s society, people often want to know what the difference is?

Yoga involves a series of poses that create a stretch for your muscles and joints, and may either be sustained stretches or more flowing in nature between poses, creating more of a dynamic stretch. Read more

Self remedy tips for plantar fasciitis

shutterstock_117796435Plantar fasciitis or more appropriately termed plantar fasciopathy, is a common condition in the foot causing pain in the arch and/or heel. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of tissue that runs from the heel to the toes and forms the arch of your foot acting as a natural shock absorber for the foot. Due to the nature of this fibrous tissue, it is not very elastic and limited in its capacity to stretch and elongate, thus with too much traction on the plantar fascia microtearing will occur.   Read more

Common muscle imbalance seen at the hip / pelvis – Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) dominates Gluteus Medius (Glut Med)


It is common to observe this muscle imbalance by watching someone walking, running, standing on one leg, single leg squat or walking lunge. Common observations of someone with a tight TFL will be an increased anterior tilt of the pelvis, internally rotated femur leading to medial knee position, dropped opposite side of the pelvis “Trendelenburg” sign. TFL length may be reduced. Glut med strength will commonly be decreased due to inhibition of this muscle with an overactive TFL.



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DOMS – what is DOMS? (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

DOMSDOMS is an acronym for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness which is the muscle soreness experienced 24-48 hours post-exercise. It can also start as early as 6 hours and last till 72 hours post-exercise.

DOMS is a common result of intense physical activity that stresses the muscle beyond what it is accustomed to. Eccentric contractions are more likely to cause DOMS because eccentric loading puts a higher demand on your muscles compared to a concentric contraction of the muscle, and with these higher loads/demands the muscles suffer microtrauma.

DOMS is thought to be microtrauma in muscle and connective tissue and causes inflammation and subsequent pain. Anyone can get DOMS and is more pronounced when a new training activity or increased training load (volume or intensity) is introduced. DOMS is not a bad thing, it is really a sign of your body trying to make adaptions in an attempt to better prepare your body to do the same activity again.

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Muscle Tears – risk factors

shutterstock_105029660 1Some common factors associated with muscle tears are:

  • Dehydration – it is important to keep hydrated with fluids and electrolytes before, during and after sport activity to prevent muscle cramping and muscle tears.
  • Insufficient warm up – warm up before activity must be dynamic. This aims to warm up the muscle, increase blood flow to the muscle and facilitate neural pathways to muscle to activate the muscle. Should not do static stretching. Warm up should involve dynamic stretching and cardio work. Warm up should last approximately 10 minutes.
  • Fatigue and lack of strength of the muscle – muscles are more likely to tear if not strong enough to handle the tensile load put through the muscle in sport. Need to consider strength and endurance.
  • Lack of pre-season training and sports specific activities – it is important to ensure you adequately prepare for the sport you are playing by making sure training is specific and a good pre-season is done.