Pubic Rami Stress Fractures

PELVIS_large-pubic-bone-painStress fractures to the pelvis are rare in the general sporting population, but a real risk in distance runners and triathletes. Stress fractures occur over a period of time when bone can no longer withstand submaximal repetitive forces. In an athlete these stress related injuries can occur due to abnormal stress placed on normal bone, or normal stress put on bone with decreased bone density (osteopenic or osteoporotic bone).

Inferior pubic rami stress fractures usually occur in the inferior pubic rami adjacent to the pubic symphysis, and commonly occur at the insertion of the adductors and/ or external rotators of the hip Read more

“Stretch and Strengthen your glutes!” – What exactly are the glutes?

shutterstock_162857741“Stretch your glutes!” Strengthen your glutes!” These are common terms you hear in sports injury rehab and injury prevention. What exactly are the glutes, their function and the importance of them with regards to injury.

Glutes are a group of muscles around the hip and pelvis that work closely together to provide normal and efficient movement patterns. These muscles each play a specific role in relation to the hip, pelvis and lower limb mechanics. Read more

Finger Injury in Sport

shutterstock_72294895If you sustain a finger injury during sport there are some good indicators as to whether you should continue to play or stop immediately.

You should stop playing immediately If there is:

– an obvious deformity of the shape of the finger

– if the joint is obviously dislocated

– if you are unable to move the finger or movement is accompanied by sharp pain Read more

Are your calves tightening up from running ?

shutterstock_110888123Do you find your calves always stiffen/tighten with running? Let’s take a look at some potential reasons behind why the calf muscles get stressed.

1) Overload of the muscle due to inadequate muscle strength and power in the lower limbs.

Decreased lower limb strength can lead to the overload of the calf during the push-off phase of running. Our gluteal and quadriceps muscles play an important role in propelling ourselves forward. Without strength and endurance in these muscles, the calf muscle can become the sole driver of propulsion, hence can become fatigued and tired. Consideration also needs to be given to the calf itself in terms of strength and endurance, to handle the load placed upon it in running.

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Proprioception Training – Is it effective in reducing ankle sprains?

ankle propAnkle sprains are common in change of direction, pivotal or jumping sports. Ankle sprains cause pain, dysfunction, time off sport and often require treatment. Athletes who injure an ankle are prone to re-injure the same ankle and this can lead to to ongoing problems and chronic instability. Proprioception is a neuromuscular process concerned with internal kinaesthetic awareness of body position and movement. Proprioceptive training challenges the ability of the targeted joint to detect and react to afferent input regarding joint position. This training aims to help improve capabilities of this system in order to prevent primary and secondary injury. Read more

Muscle Tears – risk factors

shutterstock_105029660 1Some common factors associated with muscle tears are:

  • Dehydration – it is important to keep hydrated with fluids and electrolytes before, during and after sport activity to prevent muscle cramping and muscle tears.
  • Insufficient warm up – warm up before activity must be dynamic. This aims to warm up the muscle, increase blood flow to the muscle and facilitate neural pathways to muscle to activate the muscle. Should not do static stretching. Warm up should involve dynamic stretching and cardio work. Warm up should last approximately 10 minutes.
  • Fatigue and lack of strength of the muscle – muscles are more likely to tear if not strong enough to handle the tensile load put through the muscle in sport. Need to consider strength and endurance.
  • Lack of pre-season training and sports specific activities – it is important to ensure you adequately prepare for the sport you are playing by making sure training is specific and a good pre-season is done.