Shoulder impingement – what is this and why does it occur?

shutterstock_469852718Common terms for shoulder impingement syndrome are “subacromial impingement”, “painful arc syndrome”, or “swimmers shoulder”. This is a clinical syndrome where the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles are compressed during shoulder movements, causing the tendons to become irritated and inflamed as they pass through the subacromial space. This results in pain, weakness, and loss of movement and function at the shoulder.

The subacromial space is the gap between the anterior edge of the acromion and the head of the humerus, through which the supraspinatus tendon passes and the subacromial bursa lies. Read more

“Sprain” or “Strain” – What exactly is the difference?

physiotherapy-ankle-foot-painThe terms “strain” and “sprain” are used when describing soft tissue or joint injuries, but what exactly is the correct term.

A “strain” is an injury or damage to the muscle or the tendon (a tendon being the connective tissue that connects the muscle belly to the bone). A strain occurs when the load placed on the muscle or tendon is too excessive or too intense and causes a tear. Read more

5 tips for managing proximal hamstring tendinopathy!

shutterstock_275733542High hamstring tendinopathy is an injury that can linger and be difficult to manage!

It is aggravated by activities with compressive load on the proximal hamstring tendon, when the hamstring is working with the hip flexed.

5 tips to help self manage this proximal hamstring tendinopathy are: Read more

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) – calf pain you need to be wary of!

shutterstock_433376134As physios we can often be the first point of call for a person with suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

DVT happens when blood clots in a vein deep within the body, usually in the calf, the thigh, or pelvis. The danger associated with this clot, is it can break off and dislodge and travel through the bloodstream, before lodging in an artery in the lung, this is called a pulmonary embolus. If this clot is large this pulmonary embolus can be fatal.

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Exercising in pregnancy – some key benefits (Part 2)

shutterstock_157924235Following on from last week’s news, exercising in pregnancy is key to maintain your body in good shape and health!

Lower limb strengthening is key to help support the sacroiliac joint, pelvis and lower back. All of these structures are susceptible  to hormonal and body shape changes in pregnancy and strengthening the gluts, the core muscles and lower limb muscles can assist with providing stability to the pelvis and assist in pain reduction.

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