Foam rolling and benefits

physio-foam-rollingFoam roller is a useful tool to use as part of your recovery plan. It uses the principle of deep compression to help roll out adhesions or knots that develop over time. Rolling out these knots that are caused by over activity or under activity, will help to restore original muscle length, which assists in functionality. Read more

Stress Fractures

physio-stress-injury A stress fracture is a tiny crack in a weight bearing bone. It can occur in any part of the body but predominantly occur in the lower leg or feet.

Stress fractures are related to overuse where the supporting muscles become fatigued and no longer absorb the continuing stress of the aggravating activity such as running. As a consequence the stress transfers over to the bone and tiny cracks can form.

Possible causes of stress fractures could be: sudden increases in training frequency, intensity or duration; poor conditioning; incorrect technique; change in training surface; poor foot wear; or anatomical variations such as flat feet, or bowed legs or knock knees that may cause an overload on certain bones. Read more