5 easy exercises to help ease tension in your neck

physiotherapy-neck-painFeeling tense in your shoulders and neck? Feel like your shoulders are creeping towards your ears? Do you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Try these easy exercises to help alleviate tension in your neck.

  • In a seated or standing position, have your arms by your side, slowly roll your shoulders backwards 10 times.

  • Keeping your arms by your side, gently tuck your chin in slightly, looking straight ahead, and tilt your head to one side so your left ear moves towards the direction of your left shoulder, stop when you feel a stretch in the right side of your neck. Hold for 20 secs. Then repeat to the other side. Hold for 20 secs. Do 2 repetitions each side.
  • Keeping your arms by your side, sit or stand tall, gently tuck your chin in slightly, rotate your head and neck to the left, so you look over your left shoulder, hold for 3 secs, then repeat to the other side. Do 2 repetitions each side.
  • Stand tall clasp your hands behind your back, fingers intertwined and palms up, straighten your arms and push hands downwards so your hands are level with your buttock. Keep chin slightly tucked in, and hold your arms in this position for 10 secs. Repeat 3 times.
  • Stand tall, arms by your side, slowly roll shoulders backwards 5 times. Then take 5 slow deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Concentrating on letting the tension in your shoulders go each time you breathe out.

Ready to tackle the day again! Try to do these 5 exercises every three to four hours, a simple few minutes out of your day to lighten the tension in your shoulders.

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